
There are many intangible benefits to becoming a member of the VFW; things that one just can’t put a price on. First and foremost in many, if not all current members’ minds: Comradeship.

One would be hard pressed to find a veteran – any veteran, VFW member or not – who doesn’t recall their days of service with pride, if only for the moments of camaraderie and esprit de corps they experienced with fellow service personnel together, far from home. For even in the memories of hardships faced, friends lost, and battles fought there always exists – always – that glimmer of comradeship between warriors. Our Post strives to keep that bond intact and strong; our monthly “Comradeship Nights” have become a symbol of unity, loyalty, and a unique brand of local islander esprit de corps. Whether you’ve been a lifelong member of VFW, just joined, or are thinking of joining, we encourage you to come and enjoy one such benefit that binds us together as one band of brothers.

Another benefit that often gets overlooked: Service. Whether offering one’s time and talent to fellow veterans in need or to the families of current active duty servicemen and women from our local communities, veterans from our Post who are most active in serving others find that by just doing so they feel refreshed, encouraged, and renewed in pride and patriotism. Simple acts of service go a long way, both for the veteran and those he or she assists. It may be a simple lesson to local Cub Scouts on the history of the U. S. Flag, or a visit to the Veterans Administration (VA) Regional Hospital at nearby Beacon Hill for a night of bingo with disabled or hospitalized comrades.

One of the most fulfilling benefits VFW members realize has to do with something much more personal, honored several times each year Nationwide: Remembrance. To be able to speak to one another about fallen comrades, friends since past, or the memory of those who remain Missing in Action (MIA); opportunities at remembrance on Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or any day always seems so appropriate, comforting, even intimate when done with a fellow member of the VFW. In a way, such remembrance is the ultimate benefit we enjoy through membership, today and far into the future.

“History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid." - Dwight Eisenhower

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08:00 AM - 5:00 PM